Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year
Monday, we have our first meeting at the EE clinic at Children's hospital. We will be seeing world-renowned doctors who specialize in these diseases and want to help him get better. I feel very fortunate to be able to send my son to such amazing providers.
We also had our in-home evaluation last night with regard to his sensory and behavioral issues. Turns out, he is quite bright (her words, not mine!) But does need some therapy time. While I am trying not to feel like a failure as a mom, I'm trying to be thankful that the state will help us with some of the financial aspect of these therapies. They will work with us at home as well as at his day care, which is nice.
Bottom line is I am super blessed right now, very lucky to be able to give my monster these options for his life. Please keep a few of my friends in your prayers. Someone I work with has cancer, and its not looking good. At all. We've worked together for almost 4 years, and this is hard to see happen, especially since he lives in Columbus. Another friend's family life is being completely shaken, and I pray He strengthens and heals her and her family.
Blessings to you and yours, wilsonsmom
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
Today was booger's 2 year check up, which was perfect timing because his procedure is Tuesday. We were hoping we could just make sure everything is OK, avoid a flu shot, and go on our merry way. As I'm in the office speaking with our pediatrician (whom I ADORE and respect whole heartedly) about some of what we have been facing the past few months with his biting, behavior, and lack of appetite, he suggests that we send him to be evaluated for developmental disabilities. I understand that this may open doors for better understanding exactly what is causing some of the unwanted behavior, especially since we are disciplining him and encouraging the good behavior, while discouraging the poor choices.
My problem is I am exhausted, I am worn down, I am beat. Every time we visit a doctor, I feel as if something else is catastrophically wrong. I realize I have so much to be thankful for, but I am still feeling beat down and pooped on. We just found out he is allergic to so many new foods, may have a GI disease that will alter his entire life, and now we are testing for disabilities. I have spent the last 2 years and 9 months focusing on doing everything that is best for my little booger, and it is all backfiring. I just feel like something is always wrong with him, and I don't understand why.
In addition, we have been preparing for his "cleanse" prior to his test and have (finally!) eliminated his night night cup. As a result, he has not slept in days. Which means we have not slept in days. He isn't even napping, right now, I'm just hoping that he will even rest quietly. This is also probably a source of my frustration, but I still feel this way.
Again, sorry to be a downer, I know He will provide healing and help for our family, I just have to get this out for a minute.
Blessings, wilsonsmom
Thursday, November 6, 2008
We have good news and bad news from the allergist. The bad news is we have new allergies to
- Oats
- Barley
- Potatoes (all, which means no french fries!!)
- Corn (corn flour too!)
We are now avoiding all of those foods, and we confirmed a severe allergy to beef and peas, which I suspected. The good news is his count for egg, cow's milk, and soy has dropped drastically. Almost to the point of safety.
Before we celebrate too much, we also found out that we will be referred to Children's Hospital for further testing. As of now, we will be doing a scope and biopsy looking for Celiac and Eosinophilic Esophagitis, among other things. The good news is both are treatable, and we know that through avoidance Wilson can be healed of his allergies, however his body creates new allergies. This leads me to believe that his body has something else going on, something that is attacking foods that enter his body and causes things to become allergies. This is a classic symptom of EE.
The other good news is that the first treatment of EE is food avoidance, which we are already doing and we are accustomed to. (See, the fast was a great idea!!)
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for everything that has happened this week, the prayers, thoughts, fasting, etc. has meant more than you could ever know. May God bless each and every one of you.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Less than 24 Hours left
The Partridges were kind enough to join us last night for dinner and such a historical election night. What excitement, no matter who you voted for. At this point, it's time to pray that our President Elect Obama will live up to his campaign promises and look to God as his ruler. And I am super impressed that so many people I know made educated decisions yesterday, and no matter how they chose to vote, they did the research and were satisfied with their choices.
Back to the fast, I just keep being reminded that it's not that hard to make good food that is Wilson approved. For the last year, we have just always made him something else, but we can make him food that is safe and tastes excellent. This is opening up our world greatly, and gives us a greater sense of family unity. We were heading to a play date yesterday, and I ran into the grocery to grab a few things for our lunch, and was amazed at all of the options I had! I know it is limiting in a lot of ways, but I'm realizing that this is a great opportunity for us to find new foods and recipes, as well as our friends and family to understand us better.
I also have a request of everyone who has participated in ANY way this week, please write Wilson a letter. I am making a scrapbook for him of this time, and I would like to have letters from everyone who is doing this, just so he knows how loved he is. Even if you don't know us, please send something to theroblings
Thanks, Wilsonsmom
Monday, November 3, 2008
Day Three, early
Here is what God is teaching me so far through this fast; I am not insignificant, nor is my family. Sometimes I just feel so small in this world, like I am going to be swallowed alive. I just go about my life, but I realize many many people have way bigger problems than mine. I have a hubby that loves me, a monster that thinks I'm the coolest mama ever (for now anyway,) a job, house, etc. Why could God spend time worrying about us, just because Wilson can't eat some food? Then I am reminded that even the smallest problem, God wants to fix it for me, He wants me to surrender it, He wants me to let HIM work it out and not take it on myself. So this is what I am doing. This fast and the large number of people participating reminds me that we aren't insignificant, that God will use my friends, family, etc. to change the world. He took time out to look at us and give us this opportunity to come together as one flesh and sacrifice for my son's health. I'm just not sure I can tell you what this means to me.
I am also learning that it isn't that difficult to make food Wilson friendly. For the last year or so, we have been making two dinners every night. While it isn't super inconvenient, it does take up more time. But there are great recipes that my son can have, and they taste great. This can help us in the future for parties, family functions, and even just dinners so he doesn't feel excluded. And we can feel closer to him; understanding exactly what he tastes, feels, etc will help us to know him better and to be better parents.
I have also discovered that I LOVE cheese. I genuinely do not like salads without it. I don't have to have a ton, but I really like cheese on most foods I eat. It's a weird thing, I know, but I miss my cheese. Thursday after his test, I will probably eat a pound (or a slice.)
An update on Wilson as well, he did wonderfully on Halloween. He was the best Superman in the history of the world, and we successfully traded his candy with no tension. We also had no breakouts, but are now off all allergy medication, and boy can we tell. He is snotty, cranky, and you can tell he just doesn't feel well. It started within 12 hours of when he was supposed to recieve the dose, and unfortunately the time change isn't helping. So please add to your prayers his safety and health this week while off all the meds. Moms worry, even if they've surrendered the illness to God.
Blessings, wilsonsmom
Thursday, October 30, 2008
- Klosterman white bread is safe, as is Kroger Organic whole grain bread. Just check the labels, because it can always change.
- Add to that bread some lunch meat. Boar's Head has wonderful preservative-free lunch meat, as do other brands. I just like their Cajun turkey and Buffalo chicken.
- Fresh fruit, fruit cups, etc. are all healthy sides that do not really need refrigeration.
- If you have a freezer and microwave, Bird's Eye Steamfresh has single packs of corn, brussel sprouts, etc. They are nutritious and tasty. Meijer and Kroger both also have fresh varieties of steam-ready veggies. They are delicious with salt and pepper.
- Kashi TLC version of Nutri-Grain bars are safe, and they are good.
- We find it easiest to make lunch when we are making dinner the night before and go ahead and store it in the refrigerator. That way you aren't rushing in the morning, and you don't have to dirty too much more.
- Again, Tyson chicken nuggets are OK, which are yummy!!
- Ketchup, some BBQ sauces, some mustard is safe. This helps add tremendous flavor. I believe balsamic vinaigrette is OK too, which can be delicious on veggies or meat.
- Vegan salad dressings are often ok, just watch the soy (soybean oil is safe.)
- Chicken and stars soup is safe, as are several other canned soups.
We will be shopping tonight or tomorrow, and I will try to post any other ideas I can think of.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Approved food ideas
Beyond that, here are some great food ideas.
- Rice Milk (Rice Dream is what we buy, cheapest at Whole Foods or Walmart.) comes in vanilla or original, and it's not bad in oatmeal, ceral, etc.
- Cheerios, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Multi grain Cheerios, Berry Burst Cheerios are all great cereals that are safe.
- Oreos, Pop Tarts, and graham crackers are great sweet treats.
- Popcorn, if you watch the labels, is a fantastic snack.
- Fresh and frozen fruit and veggies are great additions to chicken that has Montgomery Inn BBQ sauce.
- Tyson chicken nuggets are safe. (most, not all)
- Dum Dum suckers, pixie sticks, and smarties are all Halloween candy that's safe.
I realize not all of this is the healthiest, but it's easy. I will have lunch ideas tomorrow. Thanks again.
Blessings, wilsonsmom
Monday, October 27, 2008
The email I promised
This lovely email made me so emotional Saturday at work that I had to explain to my next client what was going on! Haha. Thanks, Jill! We are blessed to have you.
Hey All,I just felt like I should share what God initially put on my heart to pray for when He told me to fast for Wilson. I think it might be a good way for everyone involved to pray both in preparation for the Wilson fast and during the fast.
1. The obvious - that Wilson will be healed completely from all allergies & specifically food allergies
2. That Wilson NEVER feels a negative separation or isolation from others during the healing process (that sense of "I'm different" or "I'm bad" because I can't eat that...). I know he's young, but still...
3. That Wilson develops a sense of discipline and healthy regard toward food (one that I generally don't have and that most of our culture doesn't have). I feel like God is going to use Wilson in this area in the future even if he heals Wilson of his food allergies tomorrow. I feel like Wilson may be a nutritionist or dietitian or athlete or something that requires him to be extra thoughtful about what he eats (because he chooses to and not because illness forces him to).
4. I personally feel like God wants to show me that following such a strict diet won't kill me : ) He wants to show me that freedom and the good life exist through him and not through what I put in my mouth to gratify my flesh.
So, I encourage you to pray to receive that freedom through this fast as well. May we experience joy inexplicable as we give up some of our favorite foods.
I think those are the main points. Please let me know if God is guiding you to pray for anything specific as well... I am so excited for Wilson. He truly is one of my favorite little boys and I know Jesus delights in him, too!!!!
Grace & Peace! Jill
Again, feel free to add comments to my blog. I am going to print all of this stuff out and put into his baby book. I want him to know just how much our friends love him. Oh, and check hubby's blog. He will be updating this week too (honestly!) with recipes and helpful ideas.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The first of a few of these...
The booger is allergic to the following foods:
- Peanuts
- Tree Nuts
- Milk
- Egg
- Soy (soy lecithin and soybean oil are safe)
- Bananas
- Peas
- Beef
I am sure a lot of you can not imagine a day without some of these foods, let alone a lifetime. Some of these allergies are anaphylactic, which can be deadly. This has caused a lot of stress and worry for our family, and has caused a complete uprooting of our lives. We must check everything that comes into our home, car, environment. Things such as Halloween, parties, family outings, etc. have become a nightmare trying to ensure his safety. We have learned a lot, and have much much more to learn. The point is, we are submitting ourselves to God's plan right now for our family and letting Him guide these results.
I feel this is necessary right now in my walk for a lot of reasons, some of them:- I need to understand fully exactly what it means to live as my son is living. This means to avoid foods that I love (some of which I already am,) and to try to not complain. I feel that this will make me a stronger person and a better, more compassionate mom.
- This sacrifice will allow me to come up with more allergy-friendly recipes and hopefully be more creative with his foods.
- To show God that I am willing to sacrifice food, which I love, for my son. I know it's nothing in comparison to what He sacrificed, but it's something.
- It will hopefully give me a healthier view of food in my life. As a friend said, to prove that food is for sustenance and to survive, not to be gluttonous.
People are choosing to pray for several things during this time, and I am hoping to be allowed to share a lovely email the friend who started this sent this weekend which moved me beyond words. Her vision for this little boy is amazing, and I never knew one friend could cause me to cry so much (brat! lol.) Right now, I am feeling called to pray for healing and understanding for booger. I am praying for him to not be discriminated against or people to not include him from things as he gets older. Honestly, I just want him to be as normal of a boy as he can be. I don't want him to be forced to worry about everything he puts in his mouth his entire life.
The point is, I am humbled beyond belief at the way this has grown and the number of people who are showing their love and support for our family. Throughout the next two weeks I will be posting recipes, foods, and encouragement for those choosing to follow. Please feel free to leave comments, encouragement, or to pray for all of us participating in this challenge, but please please please pray for our son. These allergies are getting worse and growing in number as he ages, and I am praying for a complete and total healing. So thanks, friends, and anyone who wants dinner during that week, come on over. Just let us know how much to cook!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
well, it happened
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I WIN!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Heather Sucks!
Saved By The Bell debuted 20 years ago!!! Gross. This is bad, I remember loving that show soooo much when I was little.
Enjoy your morning laugh at my expense.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Thanks MTV
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I am so worried about this hurricane. I genuinely worry that the work everyone has put in the last 3 years will be destroyed. I know that lots of precautions have been put into place, now we just pray.
Summer is coming to a close.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
I love my friends
I also love my other friends that I am growing with spiritually. Last week's small group really had ground. I love real people, there's no time for anything else. You guys are great. All of you. And if I didn't specifically mention you, I still love you. I just wanted to gush about those people today.
One more thing, if anyone has any BABY BOY stuff, and wants to get rid of it, please let me know. We have a new BOY addition to the family...YAY!!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Ok, I know what I said....
My son is now allergic to cats. CATS?!? We are the least "cat people" you will ever meet. In fact, I am terrified and have been since childhood. I know, it's weird I just have bad luck with cats. Anyway, yep, allergic to cats, and dogs. So no pets for the family. He is still allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, milk, eggs, soy, and bananas.
Oh yes, I also forgot to mention his counts went up on some foods. Namely eggs and peanuts. The pediatrician said he hasn't seen counts so high (as eggs.) It's as high as it can be. GREAT. JUST GREAT. Lord, I am trying to understand, honestly, but I want more. I need to know that all of this planning and struggling we are doing as a family is worth it all. I know it will keep him safe, but I need to know why. Why my baby gets sick when he is in the same room as a peanut, or why touching an egg can kill him. I'm struggling right now with this, and I know that He has the perfect plan, and that it will be ok. I just have to breathe. Right?!?
Friday, May 30, 2008
They have gone through things I hope to never go through. I hope no one ever has to go through. And I am openly weeping. The fact that God created Wilson for us, for me, and made him so perfectly and wonderfully is beyond my wildest imagination. I should have not been able to conceive my little man, let alone carry him. And he is here, 18 months and two days later, and he is wonderful. He is 29 lbs, 4 oz. (I know, chubby) he is 34 and some inches long. His head is really big, and he is allergic to a lot. (Waiting on word God has healed him. More later) But he is here, and I get to hug him, I get to kiss his little face off. I can hold him when he cries, and I get to be his mommy forever. Angie and her family now have a space in my heart. I found myself reading her blog praying for peace for her family and still grateful that I have not suffered in the way she has. I know some of you have. I also know a couple that I love more than they know want to be parents more than they even know, but it's coming. It really is. Be patient, and know that He is here and His timing is perfect. Please remember that friend. Please find comfort in that. And know that we love you.
For the other people that my previous words did not pertain to (trust me, there's only one of you, and that was from God, I can tell you that.) please read this blog and pray for this family. Kristal, you are in so much trouble. I was supposed to be in bed SOOO long ago!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I'm Ready
I also have always one to believe in prayer, but have also relied on myself in too many ways. My pride has always been one of my biggest struggles. Recently, I have been forced to rely solely on God for health, jobs, and basically everything in our lives. This week, we had booger prayed over by some of our visitors from Mamelodi, South Africa. While we pray for him every day, as do a lot of our friends and family, this was a test for us as a family to ask someone we have never met to pray for our child and his health. She asked us what to pray for, and I just let all of it out. Everything we have been struggling with, we gave to Him. And in that moment, we were more of a family unit than we have been in the past year. We are trusting that God will heal booger, because that is our only hope. He is our only hope.
I almost forgot, I have some great news! A friend had to have surgery a few weeks ago to remove some precancerous cells. This was very trying and scary for her, and has really made her think about a lot of things in her life. When the test results came back, she found out that all of the cells that were SO close to cervical cancer have disappeared! What a miracle! We had been praying for her during this entire time, and for her to get this news is no doubt the work of God! And to hear her claim it as such makes my heart leap for joy!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
I have a good friend who is a single mom. She has family help, but the dad is over twelve hours away by car. At least he wants to help support them in some way, but essentially she does it alone. I have so much respect for single moms, they have to do everything alone. I know how hard it is and I am fortunate enough to have tons of help. (and I mean TONS!! Hubby is the best at helping me.)
I also have friends who have had enough courage to give up their jobs to be stay at home moms. I know for a fact that I am not designed to do this. Trust me, I have pondered it. I have to work, in fact I would work two jobs if I thought it possible. But these women have given up so much and the families have made sacrifices so that they can benefit from having a full time parent at home. I really and truly admire what they do, and they seem to love it. Watching what a particular friend does is astounding. She has children slightly more than a year apart. WOW!! One is nursing, another is walking. Busy mom and dad! What courage it has to even take them to the park, or for a walk. One is typically crying or needing something, and she seems to seamlessly take care of both their needs. Seriously, I don't think her hubby knows how lucky he is, because she is AWESOME!! I love going to the park with them because I am reminded how little patience I have with booger. Then I say a prayer for more patience with him and hubby.
So great job, moms!! Keep up the good work!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Six years
Grandma was the first female mayor in Kentucky, and was mayor of a small town for many many years, until I was born. She retired to help take care of me, and did so full time for years. I truly believe I was a huge part of this woman's existence. She had one of those larger than life personalities, everyone knew her and loved her. I certainly get my outgoing personality (surprise) from her and my mom. I just miss her, that's all.
And it's super late, I'm super stressed, and it's that day. I just want to go to sleep and forget about everything weighing me down today. Sorry this is so down, I'll try to be happier next entry.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Got extras?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
An explanation
Food allergies are very dangerous for children. At such a young age, he is unable to communicate to us if his tongue is feeling funny, if his tummy hurts, or any other symptoms of an allergic reaction are to occur. Thus, it is easiest for us to make everything for him from scratch, having total control of the ingredients. Many times, things contain milk, soy, eggs, etc. without saying those exact words. This leaves us in the position of constantly second guessing ourselves. It is very easy to cross-contaminate food as well, just by mixing a "safe" food with a spoon used on an "unsafe" food, not washing things thoroughly enough, etc. This is a common way for an attack to occur. Again, this just makes it easier for us to cook everything he eats, and not to go to restaurants with him. The nut allergy is a completely different topic. It is so scary and horrible, we can not even eat my favorite food (peanut butter) for lunch without worrying that when I see him at night, I will get him sick.
This has posed quite a challenge on our family over the past year, trying to find out what he can/can't eat, likes, etc. Finally, we are starting to get into the groove of things. Then, Easter strikes. Christmas was a fairly easy holiday to maneuver around, mostly because we went to people's homes. We could bring his food with us. Easter, however, is the holiday when everyone in our family goes out to eat at a buffet. This is probably the least safe environment for our son. The risk of cross-contamination is about 90%, if not higher. In addition, this particular restaurant serves nuts in several dishes. This is just a nightmare for us as parents. Thinking we would try to offset the inconvenience of not going there, we try to offer to cook for our entire family. This was immediately shot down by the woman who gave birth to me. We explained the situation, to no avail. We were ordered to still attend the brunch and egg hunt afterward. EGG HUNT?!?! You mean the thing he is allergic to? So we ask about plastic vs. hard-boiled eggs, and are basically told to be there no matter what. Not to mention it is in the middle of his nap time, which we try hard not to mess up. Otherwise, we have a grumpy booger. Not fun. So, we went. We were social and pleasant, but we left early. He needed his nap, and we needed to take care of him. And he had fun.
Now, for the apology. I am genuinely sorry that we do not go out with you guys as often as we used to. Hopefully, this brings light to why we don't go out as much as we used to. It's just easier for us to provide our own environment. Our friends have an open invitation to our home at any time, and ask the hairy one, we are pretty ok cooks. I am also sorry if we ask you what you have eaten that day before you play with my kid, if you had peanut butter right before you saw him, you can't play. Sorry, those are the rules. If you have any more questions, just ask me. P.S. This is not meant to make anyone feel bad, just to let you know what's going on in our lives right now.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
On another note, my real hubby, Brett Favre retired. This is long overdue in some opinions, and devastating in mine. I genuinely think he is one of the most talented quarterbacks of all time. He has overcome a lot as a person, as we all have, and has always had grace and class. I will certainly miss watching the Packers play. He's not to bad on the eyes, either. (P.s. no matter what the loser says, her hubby looks NOTHING like Brett.)
Also, welcome Elijah! I can't wait to meet you tonight and play with your brother! More to come
Thursday, March 6, 2008
My kid...too cute.

I can not believe he is fifteen months. Way too cute. This is his Easter outfit, and probably Elijah's next year. So get ready Dudley's. This is too funny. If you want to see more, check out the link. The password is his first name. More to come later, been a busy week with my real husband retiring this week.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
My friend, I have missed you...
So, for one hour, I have been watching TV for the first time in a week. Again, Lost was incredible!! Everyone can talk about it now. It kinda bums me out, though. I can't believe I am so dependent on "the boob tube" for entertainment. The sad thing is, this is the time hubby and I talk the most, spend the most time together. This is quality time for us. Something we both enjoy. Some people read together, or work out together, we watch TV. Maybe this is why I am so chubby. :) At least we do it together.
Getting Greener
Yesterday, I also found out about the potential of making my own laundry soap. Exciting!
Also, those of you who know about my neuroses knows about my habitual couponing. This week is going to be a GREAT stock up week. HOORAY!! I get so excited about free food/grocery items. It really helps our budget, and becomes a game. At least it's one I can play alone, since I am banned from playing board games with hubby for life.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Four years later...
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
My son loves me...
My mom had booger, who was coming off of a stomach virus for the night, which was lovely.
I woke up extra early, about 5 am to said stomach virus attacking every inch of my body. This was Sunday morning. I didn't get out of bed until last night. I called into work for the first time ever. I didn't see booger until today except to take him to school, which was about fifteen minutes. It was a disaster. My son loves me. He gave me the most awful feeling I have had in over a year. What an anniversary gift.
GOOD News is I have lost eleven pounds in a week!! I am sure some of this is from eating right and working out, but as hubby said: "It's like the movie, honey. 'One more stomach flu away from my goal weight.'" Except I am like twenty away.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
A lot of you know that I have an obsessive addiction with a particular coffee company. I know that it is an expensive addiction, and I have been making it a home quite often to save money. However, I realize this simple little drink is causing a lot of money to go down the drain. A LOT. So I have decided to give it up. Cold turkey. Right now. I have been praying about ways we can pay down our MASSIVE piles of debt in order to be free of our debt and financial bondage. This is a big step. This is also a step in the right direction toward giving God all of me.
I realize it is only a latte, but it is more than that to me. I am working hard to be healthy, and working out. We were blessed with a membership to the YMCA for three months, and we are going to take full advantage of taht. We are being better about the foods we eat, excercising, and I am not giong to be fat anymore. I am going to be a healthy active mom for my booger. Does this mean I will not have dessert or my wine anymore? HECK NO!! But it does mean it will be less often. And cutting out this drink will help tremendously. Hopefully, we will be able to come up with the money to continue to pay for the YMCA so that we can continue our healthy journey. I realize that cutting back on coffee will help, as well as there are other ways to work out. We can walk around our neighborhood, swim in the summer, etc. I do feel more motivatied, though, because I know so many people that work out there and want me to succeed, and they want me to join them. It will give me motivation to get off my butt and be better for God, myself, and my boys.
Again, sorry for the randomness. It's early, and without caffiene, my brain may take a little longer to start.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Hallowed be thine arm.
Thy bowl will come,
It will be won.
In Phoenix as it is in Lambeau.
And give us this Sunday, Our weekly win.
And give us many touchdown passes.
But do not let others pass against us.
Lead us not into frustration,
But deliver us to the valley of the sun.
For thine is the MVP, the best of the NFC,
and the glory of the Cheeseheads,now and forever.
Go get’em. Amen.”
I am not touching the sacrilege with a twenty foot pole. I do, however have a deep love of one Mr. Favre, as many of you know. I am also cheering on the Chargers and the Giants, for personal reasons. I think we all agree, though, that the Pats should not advance this week. That would just suck. Laugh, enjoy this JOKE. And some football. Because I need to smile.
p.s. happy birthday justin. i love you and your woman. and welcome to the world of being my friend.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Too funny
So, sorry I have no idea how to flip this, but this is how I spent the last part of my day. It certainly cheered me up a bit. See, Hubby and a friend have been on me for months about going to see a doctor to check up on some health issues I have had for a while. Nothing life threatening, just super painful and inconvenient. So I made the appointment. And drove during booger's nap time (which SUCKED, never interrupt this child during a nap, let alone not give him one.) to Kenwood. All to be told that they had to cancel my appointment due to two births. Granted, I am thankful and hopeful for happy and healthy births, but CALL ME! It was super inconvenient, and my first visit to this practice. But it's OK I am working on patience. Booger then did not nap ALL DAY, with the exception of a couple minutes in the car. This made for a grouchy sick boy, as well as a grouchy mom. You can understand why this cheered me up. Make sure to turn up the sound.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
p.s. please remember to use discretion if/when discussing my major event with me, you never know who is listening!