Thursday, November 6, 2008


We have good news and bad news from the allergist. The bad news is we have new allergies to

  • Oats
  • Barley
  • Potatoes (all, which means no french fries!!)
  • Corn (corn flour too!)

We are now avoiding all of those foods, and we confirmed a severe allergy to beef and peas, which I suspected. The good news is his count for egg, cow's milk, and soy has dropped drastically. Almost to the point of safety.

Before we celebrate too much, we also found out that we will be referred to Children's Hospital for further testing. As of now, we will be doing a scope and biopsy looking for Celiac and Eosinophilic Esophagitis, among other things. The good news is both are treatable, and we know that through avoidance Wilson can be healed of his allergies, however his body creates new allergies. This leads me to believe that his body has something else going on, something that is attacking foods that enter his body and causes things to become allergies. This is a classic symptom of EE.

The other good news is that the first treatment of EE is food avoidance, which we are already doing and we are accustomed to. (See, the fast was a great idea!!)

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for everything that has happened this week, the prayers, thoughts, fasting, etc. has meant more than you could ever know. May God bless each and every one of you.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Less than 24 Hours left

We are in the last stretch, guys! Thanks for the support and sticking in there with all of the support! I made a fantastic dinner last night, Buffalo Chicken Chili. Here is the recipe:
The Partridges were kind enough to join us last night for dinner and such a historical election night. What excitement, no matter who you voted for. At this point, it's time to pray that our President Elect Obama will live up to his campaign promises and look to God as his ruler. And I am super impressed that so many people I know made educated decisions yesterday, and no matter how they chose to vote, they did the research and were satisfied with their choices.

Back to the fast, I just keep being reminded that it's not that hard to make good food that is Wilson approved. For the last year, we have just always made him something else, but we can make him food that is safe and tastes excellent. This is opening up our world greatly, and gives us a greater sense of family unity. We were heading to a play date yesterday, and I ran into the grocery to grab a few things for our lunch, and was amazed at all of the options I had! I know it is limiting in a lot of ways, but I'm realizing that this is a great opportunity for us to find new foods and recipes, as well as our friends and family to understand us better.

I also have a request of everyone who has participated in ANY way this week, please write Wilson a letter. I am making a scrapbook for him of this time, and I would like to have letters from everyone who is doing this, just so he knows how loved he is. Even if you don't know us, please send something to theroblings

Thanks, Wilsonsmom

Monday, November 3, 2008

Day Three, early

This thing is kinda crazy. Apparently there is now a church fasting and praying for Wilson. WOW! Even bigger, we've never met one of them. So to everyone reading this and participating with prayers, thoughts, and fasting, a big thank you. The Lord tells us that His plan is better than ours, and I know that, sometimes it's just hard to remember. I also know that he has an answer for every prayer I give to Him, and that He knows I can handle everything he is giving me right now. I just have to keep that in the back of my mind. Heck, even my "arch enemy" is participating (great blog too:

Here is what God is teaching me so far through this fast; I am not insignificant, nor is my family. Sometimes I just feel so small in this world, like I am going to be swallowed alive. I just go about my life, but I realize many many people have way bigger problems than mine. I have a hubby that loves me, a monster that thinks I'm the coolest mama ever (for now anyway,) a job, house, etc. Why could God spend time worrying about us, just because Wilson can't eat some food? Then I am reminded that even the smallest problem, God wants to fix it for me, He wants me to surrender it, He wants me to let HIM work it out and not take it on myself. So this is what I am doing. This fast and the large number of people participating reminds me that we aren't insignificant, that God will use my friends, family, etc. to change the world. He took time out to look at us and give us this opportunity to come together as one flesh and sacrifice for my son's health. I'm just not sure I can tell you what this means to me.

I am also learning that it isn't that difficult to make food Wilson friendly. For the last year or so, we have been making two dinners every night. While it isn't super inconvenient, it does take up more time. But there are great recipes that my son can have, and they taste great. This can help us in the future for parties, family functions, and even just dinners so he doesn't feel excluded. And we can feel closer to him; understanding exactly what he tastes, feels, etc will help us to know him better and to be better parents.

I have also discovered that I LOVE cheese. I genuinely do not like salads without it. I don't have to have a ton, but I really like cheese on most foods I eat. It's a weird thing, I know, but I miss my cheese. Thursday after his test, I will probably eat a pound (or a slice.)

An update on Wilson as well, he did wonderfully on Halloween. He was the best Superman in the history of the world, and we successfully traded his candy with no tension. We also had no breakouts, but are now off all allergy medication, and boy can we tell. He is snotty, cranky, and you can tell he just doesn't feel well. It started within 12 hours of when he was supposed to recieve the dose, and unfortunately the time change isn't helping. So please add to your prayers his safety and health this week while off all the meds. Moms worry, even if they've surrendered the illness to God.
Blessings, wilsonsmom