Sunday, March 2, 2008

Getting Greener

Well, this year we have decided to recycle as much as we possibly can, while reducing our usage and using better cleaners. As a result, we are going to have to go to the city building this week and purchase two more recycling bins. Typically, within a couple of days, we are full. We can usually recycle two or three bins per week of items we consume. This may be paper, containers, etc. The point is, a year ago, we were probably not even recycling one quarter of what we could be, but now we are needing to get more bins because we are so contentious of it. I am really hoping as time passes, we can get better about our consumption.
Yesterday, I also found out about the potential of making my own laundry soap. Exciting!
Also, those of you who know about my neuroses knows about my habitual couponing. This week is going to be a GREAT stock up week. HOORAY!! I get so excited about free food/grocery items. It really helps our budget, and becomes a game. At least it's one I can play alone, since I am banned from playing board games with hubby for life.

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