Sunday, August 31, 2008

Summer is coming to a close.

Believe it or not, summer is ending soon. And with it comes fall and booger's SECOND birthday. I am seeing evidence every day, whether it be in his new multi-syllabic words, his small sentences, or just his astounding size. He is truly a little man. And he got to play with one of his friends yesterday. We love J and baby E, and apparently we love beating J up. We're working on it, but I am starting to worry he is going to be a bully. Oh well, all I can do at this point is teach him and hope for the best. But as I get older I know booger is too. This stinks!

1 comment:

youseedrybones said...

we thought of covering J with some kind of yucky tasting stuff so if booger bit him, he would taste bad.
I thought Saturday was pretty mild for those two.