Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bigger Frick...

So, we just got the results of booger's allergy test. He is officially allergic to: peanuts, tree nuts, soy, wheat, milk, eggs, cherries, bananas, and peas, and dogs. We are now on formula that will cost probably equivalent to a car payment a month. Not to be too much of a downer, but our finances are super crunched anyway, and now we have this on top of it. I don't know, God is certainly trying to teach me something. I have already surrendered everything financial to Him, and I know that He will provide. It's just going to be a rough ride. And somehow I can not shake this sinking feeling that I am hurting my child. Every time I feed him something, it makes him sick. This is a strange sensation as a parent, whose job is to protect my child with every ounce of my being. What a strange ride this parent thing is...more to come I suppose.

1 comment:

heather honaker said...

i KNOW that you love this kid more than anything. and i know that you are trying so hard to make sure you are taking the best care of him that you possibly can. God's funny sometimes, isn't He? you're right. He WILL take care of you. He WILL provide, and He WILL teach you something through all of this. God is good. ALL THE TIME. i love you and miss you and wish i could be there to help out. i miss you!!!! :(