We have good news and bad news from the allergist. The bad news is we have new allergies to
- Oats
- Barley
- Potatoes (all, which means no french fries!!)
- Corn (corn flour too!)
We are now avoiding all of those foods, and we confirmed a severe allergy to beef and peas, which I suspected. The good news is his count for egg, cow's milk, and soy has dropped drastically. Almost to the point of safety.
Before we celebrate too much, we also found out that we will be referred to Children's Hospital for further testing. As of now, we will be doing a scope and biopsy looking for Celiac and Eosinophilic Esophagitis, among other things. The good news is both are treatable, and we know that through avoidance Wilson can be healed of his allergies, however his body creates new allergies. This leads me to believe that his body has something else going on, something that is attacking foods that enter his body and causes things to become allergies. This is a classic symptom of EE.
The other good news is that the first treatment of EE is food avoidance, which we are already doing and we are accustomed to. (See, the fast was a great idea!!)
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for everything that has happened this week, the prayers, thoughts, fasting, etc. has meant more than you could ever know. May God bless each and every one of you.
My prayer is that whatever it is, it is treatable. I am also praying for a real live "Dr. House" who will be able to figure it out and is guided by God. But unlike House, he won't run tons of tests that are risky...because he will be guided by God.
You know what I mean.
We are continuing to pray that Wilson will be HEALED--we believe in this! I am happy that the doctors believe something more is going on and getting the right tests and doctors in the picture. A "Dr. House" would be so cool...but I hope he is not mean!
Wilson we love you!
Thanks for sharing the results of today's testing! Jim and I are praying for your family...please keep us up-to-date on how we can pray, and on the new testing that will be done in the future.
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