Monday, February 2, 2009

Quick update

We have had a tough time getting Wilson's medications pre-authorized as required by the insurance company, so I have been practically stalking the allergist's office as well as the GI's office. (oops!) We finally got a call back from both, and I expressed concern that I had not yet heard from the allergist as a follow-up, so she had him call me back today. I shouldn't have done that.

We spoke for about fifteen minutes, and I expressed several concerns I am having, and he said he wanted to see us tomorrow. A few minutes later, the GI nurse called and said they had him scheduled for some tests in the morning. Apparently, the doctors want to make sure that his anatomy is correct and functioning properly before we proceed with anything else.

Tomorrow, I am just going to push the allergy issue. I can't figure out why every allergy test pops up more foods. So let's just hope that we can keep him calm for the entire day while he's there.


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