Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What a month!

Sorry I haven't been the best blogger every as of late, the last few weeks have been beyond overwhelming. For starters, wilsonsmom got a new job! Praise God for wonderful opportunities!! It is exactly what I need right now, and I am trusting God will provide my clients with a way to find me, and if not, fill those spots with clients He wants me to have.

Next, we have been quite busy with doctors for Wilson. The beginning of this month, I had a long talk with the allergist and explained my frustrations, concerns, etc. He asked us to come in the next morning (about 3 weeks ago) and have some tests done. We checked to ensure his anatomy was working correctly, and it IS!! This basically means his digestive system, intestines, bowel, etc. all are without defects and kinks. Which is excellent news for us, but also leaves us with more questions. While we were there, we also had a RAAST allergy test performed, which is done through blood. The results were astounding.

Wilson is testing "not-allergic" to sweet potatoes, corn, peas, soy, and oats. If you pay attention to ingredients in food you eat, you will realize this is a wonderful victory for our family. We will start next week introducing one new food each week. I will be in constant communication with the allergist during this time, giving results and receiving input for new ideas for what's wrong with this boy. We will be watching out for trouble breathing, hives, vomiting, diarrhea, among other things, which also means we will probably not be going out too much, to avoid a mix-up with these results.

This week we are also eliminating meat for dinner Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in order to try to decipher the reason for his poor behavior. He has been having a lot of difficulties at school with biting and running out of his classroom during lesson times. We are working on the biting, and that is getting better, but his teachers are worried about him nonetheless, so here goes nothing.

I am trusting that God will hold my little monster in His arms and keep him safe during this time and protect him during these trials. I am also praying for more new foods we can give him, and we've already been coming up with creative ways to tell those we love.
Blessings, wilsonsmom

Monday, February 2, 2009

Quick update

We have had a tough time getting Wilson's medications pre-authorized as required by the insurance company, so I have been practically stalking the allergist's office as well as the GI's office. (oops!) We finally got a call back from both, and I expressed concern that I had not yet heard from the allergist as a follow-up, so she had him call me back today. I shouldn't have done that.

We spoke for about fifteen minutes, and I expressed several concerns I am having, and he said he wanted to see us tomorrow. A few minutes later, the GI nurse called and said they had him scheduled for some tests in the morning. Apparently, the doctors want to make sure that his anatomy is correct and functioning properly before we proceed with anything else.

Tomorrow, I am just going to push the allergy issue. I can't figure out why every allergy test pops up more foods. So let's just hope that we can keep him calm for the entire day while he's there.
